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Saturday, December 6, 2008

Hawk & Scenes From Monomoy

The other day, I spotted this hawk down near the cricks eating a duck. It was very small and had yellow legs. It looked like a Red-Tailed Hawk but it was about half the size. Does anyone know what kind of hawk it is?

A flock of Canada Geese seen today off Monomoy-

Today's sunset taken from Monomoy-


Anonymous said...

I say you have a juvenile Cooper's Hawk there, but what do I know? Maybe ask Kenny B.

Martie said...

I think you may be exactly right. It looks to be a Cooper's Hawk.

Anonymous said...

I'd say sharp-shinned Hawk eating the left-overs from a Peregrine kill. Also, those "geese" look like Brant.


Martie said...

Blair, you sure about that hawk being a Sharp-Shinned? Also, they are geese. I heard them honking. Enlarge the picture for a better look.