Sorry for the long delay in posting to my blog. I will make an honest attempt to post more often in the future. Thanks for sticking with me.
I puttered around the waterfront this morning. It's starting to get busy down there. I just wish the weather would get better. Last week was pretty bad. Daily NE gales and drizzle. The upcoming week into the weekend doesn't look any better. We are experiencing a typical Nantucket spring or lack thereof. Windy and cold every day. Last year we were spoiled. From April 1 through Labor Day the weather was spectacular every single day. And it only rained 4 times the whole summer. I guess we are due for a lousy spring an summer. In any event, here are the pictures I took today-

The steel sailing vessel, Tabor Boy laying along the east face of Straight Wharf.

Workers applying product at the Rope Walk.

Tabor Boy. (note to self: get the horizon level next time!!)

Chart room on the Tabor Boy.

Tabor Boy masts.

Tabor Boy.

Tabor Boy.

Tabor Boy.

Tabor Boy.

Blair Perkins recently splashed his old girl and is ready for business.

Blair's boat, the Minke.

The big girls are starting to arrive at the Boat Basin.

Not sure what to make of this. It's a huge accident waiting to happen at the Town Pier. I would hate to be walking on this dock in the dark and fall all over this mess. And below, this little wooden launch is a permanent fixture around the waterfront.