On a somber note, we lost a good man down at the waterfront recently. Kevin Madden passed over the bar this week. I knew Kevin a long time. He was a big man with a raspy voice. He crewed on Tommy Dunham's boat for many years. He always used to tell me how much he loved being out on the water every morning bay scalloping with the guys. I would always talk with Kevin whenever I saw him at the docks. He would talk about scalloping and the good old days with me. When he wasn't scalloping, you could find him driving his taxi. I will miss him.

This buck held onto his antlers for a long time. The bucks I have been documenting on all my trail cams around the island shed their antlers by March at the latest. Notice the abnormal right side with only the one point. Most likely he damaged that side during velvet causing the stunted growth.

i love the quiet morning light in these shots. cute pup, too!
Thanks, TexWisGirl. That little Collie is a regular down at the docks. He was waiting for his owner who lives on a 36' Albin Trawler.
I hear on the radio big news! Maddequet Harbor will be open for quahogging all year now.Used to be closed after July 1 from Smith's point to Eel point and we would have to go up Tuckanut and scratch the flats there all summer.Now that place should get a rest while Maddequet gets scratched up.I remember the old timers telling me after WWII the quahogs up Tuckanut and Muskeget were so thick that it was hard to get a rake down between them to start digging.The price was a whopping $3.00 per barrel.Those were the days!
How do the authorities know that Madaket Harbor will be open to shellfishing so early? Don't they make the call in July?
Don't know,its been closed all summer for 15 years.For the life of me I dont know how Maddequet could be polluted.The tide boils out there all day from the Opening to Eel Point.I find the whole place always very clean and healthy.Must have been Bush's fault
Of course it's Bush's fault! Everything is and always will be. Hopefully Obama will change it.
Is it true you have cataracts so severe in both eyes that the eyeballs resemble conch shells? If so how will you be able to take pictures and write your blog? Will you feel your way around the docks from piling to piling? Don't fall in!
Yes, it's true.
Does anyone fish/rake/dredge for Mussels? Would the scallop dredges work?
Does anyone fish for Mussels? Would you use the same dredges as your Scallops?
Remember when Memorial Day meant lilacs blooming,the arrival of bluefish,a fun 3 day weekend of cookouts and boating and fishing? Now we all dread the holiday,the classless group of drunks and low-lifes that invade this beautiful place and decorate the waterfront with urine, vomit and trash.It amazes me that the town fathers can make the same mistake year after year by allowing this disgraceful behavior,they know better and the few dollars that the pathetic figawis leave behind can't pay for the abuse and disrespect they force us to endure.See you on Tuckernuck.
Here's what made me leave the island during the Figawi Drunk fest-
1) Piles of vomit all over the docks.
2) The smell of urine on the docks.
3) Drunks sleeping all over the docks and waterfront.
4) Hundreds of beer cans floating in the marina.
5) Rude drunks stumbling around the docks.
I could go on and on. See you on Tuckernuck.
Makes you miss the old time wealthy,doesn't it-they always had such class and dignity.You really can't blame this new "breed" of people for their behavior,lack of respect and lack of class.They only mirror their parents foolishness.I really miss the old folks.
I'm so sorry about Kevin...
The photos are amazing...I like all of them . Thank you!
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