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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Helicopter At Madaket/Esther's Island

A helicopter was used yesterday at Madaket to transport building materials for a new house to be built this winter on Esther's Island. Captain Tobey Leske was on scene and sent me these pictures of the event. Thanks for the pictures, Tobey!

Ready for take off-

Hovering, attaching the sling-

Paying out the sling-

There goes the dumpster-
Ground officer directing the approach. Signal means descend slowly-

Attaching the sling-

Take it away!-

Setting the load down on Esther's Island-

View from Millie's-


Anonymous said...

Thanks for those pics Capt. Tobey, almost as good as being there! I 'heard' that Bessey Construction (an on-island contractor) chose to use the helicopter vs barge or boat due to the concern of damaging the shallow eel grass beds. Will there be more information on this? :wink:


Anonymous said...

Yes. More info in my column in the I & M this week...T

Anonymous said...

How are the principals in "Bessey Construction", that "on-island contractor"?