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Monday, June 4, 2012

The Summer That Never Was

It was bound to happen eventually. The summer that never was. We were long overdue for it. As I type this we are in the middle of a northeast gale. Boats are washing up on the beaches around the waterfront where they will stay wrecked forever never to be cleaned up. It's been cold, rainy and windy so far this summer. We have had a few nice days but they have been few and far between. In two and a half months summer will be over. Hopefully we can salvage September. I guess the only good news is that our winters have been nice and hot the past few. I snuck down to the waterfront late this afternoon to take a look at the storm-

Please be sure to check out my new Nantucket Deer blog.

Children's Beach Boat Ramp closed off in preparation for the storm surge.
Toscana's tug and barge holed up at the Steamship Authority's south slip riding out the blow.
M/V Grey Lady heading to Hyannis in the storm.
A wrecked scallop boat beached at the Cricks.
Wrecked boats littering the waterfront never to be removed.
A rough general anchorage.


TexWisGirl said...

wow! so many parts of the US had the winter that never was; now you're getting the summer that wasn't. sorry about the wreckage, though!

Anonymous said...

I called my son in Texas yesterday and their temp was almost double ours! I kind of like the cool weather. The waterfront looks to be a mess, doesn't it.
