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Monday, October 25, 2010

Off-Topic/Deer Cam

It's been a little slow around the waterfront as of late. I am pursuing an interesting hobby lately. Deer watching. I bought a trail cam and set it up in the field and have been getting very good results. Here are a few shots the cam captured lately-
PS: I will return to the waterfront soon and resume picture taking there. Also, click on any picture to enlarge. Click on the picture a second time for an even larger view.
This doe had her face pressed right up against the camera! They are very curious creatures.
It looks as if she was posing for my camera.
Note the palmated right antler.
Here's a big, mature buck. Note the severely swollen left front leg.
A little 4 pointer.

A nice buck.
Close up of a doe.
Nice tall rack on this one.
Close enough to count the whiskers!!! And the palmated-antlered buck below is scraping.


Anonymous said...

What a great idea! The doe in the second shot looks like she's wondering if someone is watching her. :-)


Martie said...

I think she's thinking "okay, you want a picture of me?? Here, get a shot of my arse." It's a fascinating hobby I discovered. Amazing what goes on outside late at night while we are all sleeping.

Dirck said...

Maybe the deer will hang around the cam for protection. Was that a tick on that doe?

Martie said...

The cam is affixed to a tree. It blends in with the surrounding trees and vegetation. It is activated by the motion of the deer. At night a flash goes off as the deer cross the path of the camera lens. I was told the flash doesn't bother them as they think it is lightning. It sure didn't bother these deer because I had six different bucks and several does walk by my cam in the week I had it set up!

Anonymous said...

Nice shots. I have been taking shots for 2 years now with a couple Reconx cameras. Got a nice 8 pointer the other day.


Martie said...

Be careful, Blair. A lot of trail cams are being stolen recently. A good friend of mine had his new cam stolen the other day. I know of other guys who have told me that they had their's stolen as well. I lock my cam to a tree with a python cable and lock. The would be thief will have to cut down the tree the cam is on to steal it. Anything to slow them down or move to the next un-locked cam.

Anonymous said...

These are great pics if you dont mind me asking were the pics on nantucket were taken.
Thanks, Todd

Martie said...

Todd, if I told you where on Nantucket the pictures were taken, everyone would set their cams up there. I can't have that.

Anonymous said...

what i mean is were those pics taken
in madaket......... and were they taken on private property or public property reasons being im doing some reserch on the population and if you could update some more pics that would be great also or you could send them to my email its Thanks, Todd

Martie said...

Todd, people who are into trail cams are very secretive about where they put them. If we told anyone, they would be right there at our secret locations ruining it for us. I cannot disclose if my cam is on public or private property either.

Anonymous said...

okay thats fine i understand but telling me the town were they were taken or even if they were taken on posted or public land would still not tell me were the pics were taken. there are so many deer on the island i could put a camra any where and get footage even if i put it in my back yard theres no reason to be secritive about it. anyway i think the pics are great and was woundering if you could post some more pics.
thanks Todd

Martie said...

I will post more pictures soon. I got some great shots of bucks at a rub last week. One was even captured by the cam rubbing!

Leovi said...

I like your blog is very attractive

Anonymous said...

Trail Cam thieves suck. My next cam will have the remote option that sends the photos to your email. Maybe I'll catch the next guy.

Ken Panacek

Martie said...

Ken, they will steal the fancy cam that uploads the pictures to your computer. You are better off buying a less expensive cam and know full well that it will be stolen eventually.

tom said...

Hunters would love the location

tom said...

Hunters would like the location
of some of those bucks

Martie said...

I can tell you the location of all of the bucks I captured on my trail cam. They are all located on Nantucket.

Liz Seacord, Norton MA said...

Hahaha...good for you, Martie. I totally agree with you! Thanks for the great pix; shades of Gary Larson's The Far Side, with that posing doe. Have a very Merry Christmas, Martie. Nice lobster, too. - Liz

Anonymous said...

Nice pics. Now we just need to get you in a "FiremanJim" homebrew and get the Cuddeback logo off the bottom of those pics. Nice blog. Just thought I would stop by and visit. God Bless....Jim Sanders "FiremanJim" WWW.JTSWildlifeCameras.Com