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Sunday, March 31, 2013

New Madaket Boat Ramp/Old North Wharf Repairs

Work has begun replacing the Madaket boat ramp. I'm not sure why this is being done as the former ramp was fine. I'm hoping they are going to get the angle of the ramp correct this time and not make it like the Children's Beach boat ramp. That one is not steep enough. We'll have to wait and see how it turns out. Work on repairing the section of Old North Wharf has been progressing nicely. During the last storm the finger piers and the area around the end of the gravel road were heavily damaged. Pennel Ames is doing the work using his scallop boat at times to work on the finger piers.

  Please be sure to visit my new Nantucket Deer Blog



Anonymous said...

Was the boat ramp damaged in the latest storms, Martie. I'm glad the wharf is coming along.


Martie said...

No, the Madaket boat ramp was not damaged in the latest storms. I really hope they get the angle of the new ramp right. Nobody wants a repeat of the Children's Beach boat ramp!!

Richard said...

Children's Beach boat ramp is known as "The Worst Boat Ramp on the East Coast". It's true,the angle is way off and not nearly steep enough and it's too bad none of this was noticed until it was too late.I guess we are stuck with it!

Nestor said...

On a real high tide it's almost impossible to haul a boat out at Children's Beach,your truck is half underwater even before you reach the ramp.Then,on a low tide it's real hard to haul a boat out,especially on a bunk trailer,the angle IS way off and not nearly steep enough.Martie,what happened? With all those involved with the design and construction where did they lose it?