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Sunday, January 15, 2012

My Hungry Tag-Along

This late in the commercial bay scallop season, the seagulls are desperate and hungry. They will land on my boat and wait for me to hand them a free meal. And if you turn your back on them they will swoop down and steal a scallop right out of your wire basket on the culling board. The other morning while scalloping I had a hungry tag-along. He begged me for food. I hand fed him some scallops. A good way to pass the time during a long tow.

Click on the pictures below for videos-

I set up one of my white flash trail cameras in a thick cedar forest recently and got some interesting pictures including these of a buck and a cat. The cat won the standoff.


TexWisGirl said...

i SO enjoyed this post! the trail cam photos made me laugh! ferocious wildcat, there!

but the gull was so intense, i'd watch my fingers! :)

Martie said...

Thanks, TexWisGirl. Yeah, that buck was scared of the cat!

Unknown said...

Haha, Martie, Our Maine coon cat saw a deer eating the corn under our bird feeder and went right out. The deer backed off then Stomped its Hoof at the cat. We were cracking up watching. Thanks for getting this on tape!

Martie said...

I get cats on my trail cams all the time. There are tons of feral cats on the island. They must really suffer during the winter here on the island.

MontanaVista said...

Enjoyed this post! You can almost sense the Seagulls thinking.

Wendy said...

How about trapping the cats..Location? I can trap them. Wendy

Martie said...

Wendy, The cats are being trapped as we type by the cat rescue team. Thank you for offering, though.

Cath said...

Not a comment but a question: anyone there missing an 8m boat? This article in Spanish tells how such a boat was found off the north coast of Spain:
Probably been in the water for months, any info gratefully received.

Linda at Sand and Sea said...

Love all of these photos and updates...I love to see wildlife interacting with us and other creatures...

Stay warm!

Sand and Sea
(aka beachside cottage - South Florida)

Martie said...

Thanks, Linda. We finally got some snow here!

BoatParadise Boats for Sale said...

The most interesting thing they are eating from your hand.They need food.
Ha ha excellent.