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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Low Tide!!

If you were anywhere near the waterfront today you noticed the extreme low tide. I have not seen it that low for several years. Here are a few pictures I took this morning-

This was taken from Brant Point looking west along Hulbert Ave. Notice all the exposed eel grass. Next is a shot of the south end of the Horseshed taken from Brant Point. There was a huge area exposed. It's hard to tell from the picture because I was so far away. When I was there I noticed several sea gulls feasting on seed scallops. They would pluck the scallops from the eel grass and fly over to Easton Street and Hulbert Ave where they would drop them to break them open.

Easy Street Basin was dry almost up to the old Skipper Restaurant-

And the area between the Town Pier and the Shipyard was exposed as well-

Two fishing boats came in here as of late this afternoon. A red western rigged dragger and the western rigged dragger, Triunfo-

Three guys and one girl went out bay scalloping today. Only one went out in Madaket. The three who ventured out today fished the south part of the harbor, mostly down harbor seeing that the wind was strong out of the south southwest all day. Not sure how they did for limits. I'll ask them tomorrow.

Looks like they are finally getting ready to pour the concrete for the Children's Beach boat ramp project. I was down at the site late yesterday afternoon having a look. Gravel has been laid down and leveled off forming the base of the ramp. Here are a couple of pictures-

Click on the picture below. A collection of a few of the blog pictures are available there. More pictures will be added in the future.
Nantucket Waterfront News

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Nobska Whistle

A few months ago, the old steamer, Nobska's whistle was salvaged and installed on the SSA ferry, Eagle. It can be heard all around the Island several times a day. For those of you that read this blog from afar and don't have the pleasure of hearing the whistle, I went down to the dock today as the Eagle was pulling out of her slip and grabbed the above video. You can hear the Nobska's whistle as she departs.

Work on the White Elephant dock project is going along nicely. The steel sheathing has been installed and the wood walkway has been completed. Here's a shot of the project thus far-

The new Children's Beach boat ramp project seems to have slowed down. It looks as though they are getting ready to build the concrete forms. I saw a truck with wood forms was delivered down at the site two weeks ago but it was never unloaded. An outfit called Shorey will be doing the concrete work. At this rate I'm not sure when the new boat ramp will be completed. Perhaps they are waiting for just the right temperature to pour the concrete.

Work over at the GLYC is progressing. Foundations for new buildings were poured and they are doing some more trenching as well. Sayle's Seafood is still open throughout all the construction.

Three guys went bay scalloping today and one in Madaket. They are averaging around three bushels per day. I hope to get out at some point before the season officially ends on the 31st of March. I am receiving reports from several scallopers that there is a huge amount of seed out there. I will report on that when I see it for myself.

Click on the picture below. A collection of a few of the blog pictures are available there. More pictures will be added in the future.
Nantucket Waterfront News