I was waiting for the temperature to make it to 28 degrees this morning so I could go out scalloping. The temp never made it to 28. while I was waiting down at the dock, David Glidden of Glidden's Seafood approached me with a letter. I asked his permission to post the letter here on my blog. He allowed me to post it.
Below is the letter. Click on the letter to enlarge.
What do you think? If we lose a day due to the cold, should we be allowed to fish on Saturday to make up that lost day? I think this is a good idea. Years ago we were allowed to fish on Saturdays. There are still a lot of scallops in the harbor waiting to be harvested. There is only one month left of the commercial bay scallop season left. If we don't catch the scallops now, they will die. Please leave a comment in the comment section of the blog or take the poll to the right in the sidebar. Thanks.
I am unfimilar with scallop fishing, so pardon my questions if they are obvious. Why can't you fish in weather below 28 degrees?
Is the scallop crop newly hatched every year? I was surprised to read that the scallops would die if not harvested.
Salt water freezes at 28 degrees. The thinking is that the seed scallops will freeze and die if they were allowed to be brought to the surface by the fishermen.
Scallops only live to be two years old.
Remember why the fleet didn't want Saturday fishing?
I can't remember. Was it something about flooding the market?
I would be afraid of those that would look to get hardships and only fish on saturdays after regular work all week.
I was at Whole Foods in Cambridge over two weeks ago, and they announced on the loudspeaker "Get the last of the Nantucket Bay Scallops while we have them, only one more week of the season". Seems they shut things down early...dunno, maybe due to supply issues?
hello: yes,from our viewpoint folks in the cities think the season ends March1,soon it will be hard enough to supply local demand.Historically,it was 85 yrs of six day fishing. MV to the west has a sat.make-up day.I am check other locales.
Shot down " not because we Marine people don't want to work" DF said "if we do this all the builders will go only on Saturdays" Smit
Wendy said"why didn"t you propose this in January"will try again in Oct. when they review regs
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